A prayer when homesick/ Modlitba v smútku za domovom

Thank you all of you for positive comments and emails about poem I publish on my blog. Here is another one. When I came to the USA, I felt sometimes homesick so I wrote this one. I am so blessed with my family. I have wonderful husband, precious son and so carrying family. My sister Monika with her family and my parents they are so dear to me and I love them so much.

Ďakujem všetkým za pozitívne ohlasy na moju predošlú báseň som rada, že sa páčila. Keď som prišla do USA tak mi chýbal domov a rodina, vtedy som mala celkom tvorivé obdobie, tak vznikla aj táto báseň. Som štastný človek, mám super manžela, dobré dieťa a rodinu, ktorá ma vždy podrží. Moji rodičia a sestra Monika s rodinou znamenajú pre mňa strašne veľa a ďakujem Bohu, že všetkých mám.

My prayer of homesickness.

Ripe apples, father in his concrete work
Let me think about home
Mom’s dirty hands from each day lunch
which does God bless
Sister’s homework in the night
make my light…
Coming home fulfill my soul
Joy of seeing then again
I can’t describe in this poem
God let them do that for long
I ask you in name of our Lord. Amen

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