Here is great article Dear You and a letter for all of the hard days
I love last part:
Because God’s writing your story and He never leaves you alone in your story, and His perfect love absorbs all your fear and His perfect grace carries all your burdens, and your story is a happily ever after because Christ bought your happily ever after so you always know how this story ends:
You’re going to be okay.
Also if you read about Ann she so beautifuly write her believes at the end of her page
Mám rada Ann Voskamp. Veľmi ma oslovujú jej myšlienky. Len škoda, že takmer neviem po anglicky, takže pochopiť o čom píše je pre mňa veľmi namáhavé.
Ak chcete, môžete si čítať moje príspevky o vďačnosti inšpirované Annou. Alebo sa pridať k nám v komunite Cesta vďačnosti: